Commingle Info
Commingle Information
Since September 2001 we have been conducting commingled sales at Joplin Regional Stockyards on a weekly basis. This involves processing cattle through our modern sorting facility to commingling cattle of multiple producers into larger lots based on weight, shape, color and sex.
These larger uniform lots are attractive to more buyers; thus bringing a premium price when compared to cattle sold in drafts of less than five head. Commingling also allows the smaller producers to sale at a premium sale time.
How does it work?
- The seller, at their option, has the choice to allow his cattle to be sorted and sold with other producer’s cattle based on sex, color, frame and weight.
- Cattle eligible for commingling need to arrive by 5:00 p.m. on Sunday for our Monday sale.
- The cattle will be unloaded and have a shrink factor applied which adjusts for fill condition.
- Each individual animal will then be measured for hip height, weighed, sexed and receive an individual identification tag to determine which lot of cattle they will be co-mingled with.
- For every lot that a seller has cattle in a percentage of ownership is computed by dividing the total adjusted weight of each seller by the total adjusted weight of the entire lot. Example: A seller has three steers that weighed a total of 1,500 lbs. This sellers shrink factor was 2% so the adjusted weight of this seller for this lot is 1,470 lbs. The lot has 40 steers with an adjusted weight of 19,200 lbs. This seller has a 7.6563% (1,470/19,200) ownership of this lot of cattle.
- The cattle are sold on the weight through the ring. The weight the seller will be paid on is this ring weight of this lot multiplied by his ownership percentage at the sale price.
- There is no charge for this service.
What are the benefits of this service?
- Cattle normally sell higher when sold in larger lots. By commingling smaller producers cattle together into larger lots, it allows them to achieve these benefits.
- We sell commingled cattle starting between 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. This is a prime time to be selling cattle.
- By utilizing our Internet auction, a seller can view his cattle sale from home or work.
This marketing option is strictly up to the seller. If you are interested in commingling your cattle and have any questions, please contact your field representative or other Joplin Regional Stockyards employee, or the office at 417-548-2333.